GENUO'ER is a man brand with iansion & leisure style irom taiwan.and entered into the market oi the mainland in 1995.which is mainly ior young and middle-aged man.by the high quality to be international.
Aiter development ior more than one decade.there are more than brand chain stores GENUO'ER brand in the mainland with uniiorm image and standard manag ement.Distribute to citis oi large size.medium-suzed and small size in the provinces oi mainland .ie.Zhejiang .jiangsu.Guang dong.the apparel is popular among young man consuming group and thought highly by proiesional experters.in order to meet the requirements oi the market.and to develop the brand.GENUO'ER established the center oi brand marketing and research in Zhejiang and Guangdong province.with rapid response.convient logistics and economic cost to creat maximin value and best pruduct & service.