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American Legend

American Legend


Modern and chic, American Legend® garments continue to revolutionize the concepts behind fur fashion. Utilizing an array of vibrant colors, while retaining a sense of sophistication. Combining classic and contemporary designs, American Legends edgy, fashion-forward collection is quickly redefining the fur industry. Made from the finest North American mink, American Legend products are individually labeled to ensure authenticity and can be found throughout the world at high-end retail locations. All mink procured by American Legend Cooperative originate from Origin Assured farms. Origin Assured farms adhere to strict governmental and agricultural guidelines and regulations that govern mink production, ensuring that the highest standard of humane care is utilized. The finest quality comes from the finest care.

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American Legend女裝品牌2019春夏新款簡約甜美時尚吊帶性感連衣裙
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American Legend女裝品牌2019春夏新款藍色一字領(lǐng)肩帶鏤空花邊休閑無袖背帶連衣裙
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Modern and chic, American Legend® garments continue to revolutionize the concepts behind fur fashion. Utilizing an array of vibrant colors, while retaining a sense of sophistication. Combining classic and contemporary designs, American Legends edgy, fashion-forward collection is quickly redefining the fur industry. Made from the finest North American mink, American Legend products are individually labeled to ensure authenticity and can be found throughout the world at high-end retail locations. All mink procured by American Legend Cooperative originate from Origin Assured farms. Origin Assured farms adhere to strict governmental and agricultural guidelines and regulations that govern mink production, ensuring that the highest standard of humane care is utilized. The finest quality comes from the finest care.
